Quit and re-try, or get it up?

We are bug fixing our site. Every time we fix something, another thing breaks. Our site is our business, with money coming in from advertising. For the first stage, anyway. It looks good, but am worried it will not be good enough for our tech-savvy consumers. Should we launch with a Beta and hope it doesn’t affect our brand, or rebuild so we know it works properly and launch more confidently in six months?

  • Don’t get stuck in the trap of wanting to make everything “perfect”, you’ll end up sharting in your pants. I’ve seen it a 1,000 times.

    Here’s what happens: Today you make the decision to hold off on launch. While disappointed, you feel a sense of relief. Relief because you’ve delayed the anxiety that comes with launching. Due to your relief you decide not to take your ativan pill and save it for another day. Next morning, you stop off at Philz to pick up your morning joe. As you wait for your opportunity to merge into the stream of sidewalk dwellers to continue your commute, you take of small sip of your morning delight. You spot your opening to jump into the crowd, however the insatiably rude 85-year old mall walker bumps your shoulder, throwing your fresh cup of coffee into the air. In that exact moment, fear strikes you. You’re having a panic attack. Shit, you left your ativan at work.

    As you race to your office, you happen to spot the speed walker up ahead. As your approach her from behind, you concoct a plan to crop dust the shit out of her.

    As the first wave the dusting begin, you realize that the Philz kicked in and you shit yourself.

    Don’t shit yourself. Just launch and see what happens.

  • We are bug fixing our site. Every time we fix something, another thing breaks. Our site is our business, with money coming in from advertising.

    What the hell? That’s every single business, specially online sites. This is the feedback loop that keeps things progressing, keeps things alive…

    It’s like saying you like to play football, but that every time you bandage a scratch on your arm, you get another scratch.

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