Product Hunt Circlejerk

I am a product designer/developer/engineer/embedded systems. I pretty much take interest in all sorts of form of programming, technology related stuff. Initially, when I came across Product hunt, I was so excited to notice such a website.

It was meant to solve a problem of discovering products easily, and I was caught up for the first few months to discover and read about it’s products.

However, I have realized over time, nearly all the products suck! Either they solve a very niche problem which only select few people will only use once per year or it’s just a badly designed product. When I say, badly designed, I specifically mean around the end goal of product e.g. endless todo, email apps. The sad part is that people upvote them to the top.

A good test would be to figure out what all prouducts are actually active after a period of 6 months.

The community sucks too. The comment sections reeks so mutual mental masturbation around ideas, thoughts in/around the product

Going to product hunt seems like such a useless thing. Most of product don’t have a utility value at all.

  • Building a ship and sailing a ship are two different things.Without good sailors to drive those ships are meaningless in the real world.

  • Okay, I was just at this site for the first time, and an “article” I read described this online tool as a spreadsheet/Excel killer. Yeah, right.

    I figured someone in the comments would point out the extreme amounts of hyperbole in the article since, you know, this is the internet, but that never happened.

    It was just a big circle jerk from the article to the comments, I thought. So I went to Google and searched “Product Hunt circle jerk.” Turns out I wasn’t the first person with this thought.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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