AppSumo is a ripoff

Got an email today advertising “one of our best deals”. $25 for a lifetime usage of the ShareAsImage service – A tool to create quotes on nice backgrounds to post on social meida

Since the service is $96/yr (umm yeah right), lifetime = $1000. WHAT A DEAL.

Only thing, Buffer offers the SAME tool called Pablo for… ABSOLUTELY FREE.

AppSumo started out as a great service, a MacBundles for entrepreneurs. Nowadays it just offers discounts off of marked up prices for worhless services.



  • They offer some great deals, some not so great. I find that they make me aware of tools I would not have easily found otherwise – and most have a free version.

    They will also listen if one of their deals ends up full of suck. They refunded a purchase on something that was a total waste of time.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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