What time do you (or your company) start work at?

Location, time, title (if necessary)

  • I’m in the midwest and begin working around 8:30 every morning. However, before I get into the grind, I usually start by reading articles/news. I don’t start getting productive until 9:30/10 AM usually. I end my day at 5 PM, but often return back to work around 8 PM until whenever I feel accomplished.

  • 10 am to 6pm. With a lunch break of 30min/one hour at 1pm. However, I occasionally stay up at night doing some work.

  • I’ve heard that working early gives you the most productivity but I could never do that. I wake up at 11 take naps 3pm and work till 4am. Its unhealthy as shit but I can’t find a better way to work.

  • This changes if I’m going to meetings or doing a Hackathon; I wake up at 8am, emails and social stuff until 10:00, morning prayers then breakfast until 11:30, down tools 18:00, pick up again 20:00 to 00:30, I go for #inboxzero on week nights so 00:30-13:00 is when I manage that.

  • India. 10.30am . I run a store. so need to be in by 10 30 and we close about 8-9pm. Depends. My best work is done when everyone is gone !

  • Onto the computer by between 7 and 8am. Lunch at noon-ish. Back to work at around 1:30pm. Work til about 4pm. Break and then dinner then relax and work again for another couple of hours.

    On weekends work from about 9am – 11am and a few hours later in the day or evening.

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