Why are more and more tech companies going after a multi-app strategy?

A quick example might be Facebook’s messenger app.  Linkedin is also going after a multi-app strategy (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/social-media/10812062/LinkedIn-aims-to-drive-mobile-uptake-with-multi-app-strategy.html).

What are the benefits of this?  What is the appeal?

  • It’s clear that adopting a multi-app approach is a new strategy that is becoming popular with big brands in order to drive brand engagement, as this article shows. From both a user experience and technical perspective there are multiple long term benefits, identified in our report.

    If this article interests you, our latest report identifies key brands that have successfully implemented a multi-app strategic approach to meet key business objectives. The report highlights why brands such as Sky and Facebook have taken this approach and also discusses why degree 53 are passionate about employing this strategy across their client portfolio.

    View here – http://d53.co/103Gc2V

    Tweet us at Degree 53 we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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