super trivial question almost embarrassed to ask

I’m working on a webinar tool that has an analytics component. I am already using mixpanel + GA + other tools to record customer usage patterns, but I’d like my customers to be able to track their own analytics on such things as # of viewers, time spent on page, links clicked, and other things.

Is there some kind of analytics api I can use to input and output the results data and perhaps generate the graphs?

I think this question is so trivial because I could obviously code this myself but I’d rather see it as an easy api I could plugin.

I feel like there is something obvious I’m missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Wow I can’t believe how rude people are being to you. Now the OP will never want to post again. Well done you conceited people who have answered before me.

    Although I do not know the answer and can not help I wish you luck in what you are doing.

  • Try out KISSmetrics, it might be a great help. They have an API that can do that but its a premium service. So if u are willing to pay for it then it could be the perfect way out for u.

  • Build it on your own…you’ll never know what kind of info you will want to share with your users in the future and that ‘API’ could be limited at some point…

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