We are being stonewalled and I’m not sure why

We have just launched our product  (a variation on the two sided market place) and are struggling to get our customers to sign-on and pay. Our basic model has already been validated in another country.

Every time I pitch to someone we either get a no or a maybe (polite way of saying no). It’s been like this for 2 weeks. Does this mean our value prop or pitch is wrong? Or does it mean we are pitching something that our customers don’t actually need? Or something else?



  • Take a potential customer out for lunch and be his best friend. Then ask him for a favor and that is to use your app for a week. You will be closer to the answer

  • The point of customer validation isn’t to get a yes/no, it’s to get to the WHY. The value of the info you get from these yes’s and no’s should be your measuring stick. You may just have a poorly designed or executed pitch. Or maybe the wrong target market. Or, possibly, a product nobody wants.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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