Scared Sh**less. How do you deal?

This is my second startup, the first made a little bit of profit but my co-founder and I are going after something much bigger and I am honestly scared shitless of failing. How do you guys deal with this kind of feeling while bootstrapping a startup?

  • I feel the same way. I’ve started meditating and its helped a lot. I use the app and I like it but there are others out there that do the trick too.

    • Likewise. I practice anapana vipassana meditation for 30 minutes.

      I bought a buckwheat zafu to sit on so to prevent my legs from falling asleep.

      The ZazenMeditationTimer app for android is excellent for scheduling gong timers during the meditation session. I use the gong (10 minute timer) as a cue to bring myself back to the breath and release my thoughts.

  • What’s the world that could happen if you fail? Close up and get a day job? Most start-ups fail. It’s not the end of the world.

  • I’m not scared of failing. I’m scared of sacrificing relationships + health while I put everything I have into the startup. The harder I work + more I sacrifice, the higher the stakes are.

    • Don’t ever sacrifice your physical health. You may not have as much control over your mental health but you sure as hell have control over the hour a day that you go exercise.

  • Try not to sacrifice your health, that’s irreplaceable and lowers your performance. Work your ass off while you’re working. Rule #1 = focus. Take vacations even when you don’t think you can… your brain will be much more effective. Meditation definitely. Medicinal marijuana has been known to help.

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