Passive Aggressive behavior from my friends regarding my new business?

I have been working on this business with one other guy for some time now to get the product ready. It’s finally ready and we have slowly started launching the business.

Part of getting ready was launching the social media channels and inviting some friends to like them before I run some ads. I started with whom I consider close friends.

To my surprise, very few people actually liked it and most of the “likers” have their business already, besides my girlfriend and a couple others. In fact, some of the people invited to like it, commented to me personally that I started the business, or good luck etc, but didn’t like the page (!).

The page has nothing sensitive or anything questionable. I didn’t give it much thought at first, but now I have started thinking it’s a passive-aggressive expression from them.

Am I right thinking that way?

I don’t see any other reason why they wouldn’t like the page especially when they know we have been working on this for some time, it’s finally coming to fruition and it’s the bare minimum they could help me with…

Thanks in advance.

  • Your friends don’t owe you any “likes”, and pressuring them into publicly endorsing something you built isn’t cool. It doesn’t matter why they decided not to like your page and obsessing about it isn’t healthy. Learn to focus on important things.

  • Did you just invite them to like using facebook’s invite feature or did you reach out to them with a personal message?

    People tend to ignore invites as it’s super impersonal. I started a page and invited a bunch of people to like it and nobody did including my own sister and cousins. I then reached out with a personal message and the results were night and day.

    If you want a favor don’t be lazy about it.

  • Welcome to the hard part of building a startup.

    It’s very hard and would take a lot of time for anyone to care about it including your closest family members. Get used to it and focus on your users/customers.

    Don’t Stress yourself reading between lines, there will be enough anxiety as it is. Focus on your users and make it valuable to them

  • “Your friends don’t owe you any ‘likes'” – this is a bit of a contradiction in itself.

    You are friends with your friends because one like each other no matter whether a “liking” may have a concrete and practical cover (doing a favor) or is a more a general statement. So to my view friends do owe you a like – whether it’s a “like” or a like.

    I think “passive aggressive behavior” is a pretty applicable and true perception of those friends’ behavior.

    • Frankly that really depends on the online-culture you and your friends have. Usually I also ignore and skim over all like-requests, unless someone asks me personally (so I second the other comment as well) + I prefer a low online profile.

      Besides, the “friend” list is usually more an “acquaintance” list with various degrees of interest in you as a person. In general, it takes a lot of stress away if you take the likes from your facebook friends like a slice of lemon in a cool glass of water – nice to have, but not essential.

      • Oh, you’re right. English is not my native language so I just missed the point that this was all about facebook-friends (and not real life friends who are also facebook users).

        But I like this error of mine for at least it confirms that a new understanding of friendship is establishing.

        On the other hand I still think that nothing is for free and must have a price tag and to my point of view it’s not a wrong conclusion that a facebook-like serves as currency. So, to me the question remains open: is the “friend” willing to pay the price or not?

  • I would never like a friends’ piece of content unless I actually truly like it. Similarly, I stay away from new products & services where a lot of the ‘likes’ come from friends of the founder. That said, if a friend asks me for an intro to someone who would really value the service I’ll go out of my way to do it – it’s a question of authenticity for me.

  • …or maybe they don’t like the product. Being put in a position where you have to lie to your friend is not easy.

  • I rarely like stuff on FB, no matter if it’s articles or products. But if a real friend (not just a FB contact) needs help, I am always helping. And I personally think, I can help more by introducing people, wirting some emails to freindsa and contacts or anything else. So if you contact close friends, it feels wierd to ask for likes and not for better support. If it’s just FB “friends”: who cares, you can get likes in different ways.

  • If you’re proud of your product and believe in it, focus your efforts on finding a relevant audience for you, not in your friends, probably most of them are not part of your target.

  • If you want to do Facebook marketing, namely ads, don’t invite friends to like your page/content.

    It just pollutes your target audience and Facebook targeting optimization will suffer.

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