Non-tech cofounder transitioning to tech

What’s the easiest /most retainable resource to build your own MVP from scratch? I’m contemplating using Django or Ruby and was wondering which would be more suitable for someone who has sharp analytical skills but barely any coding programming skills? I’m looking to learn and would appreciate any help.

  • It is impossible to answer this without knowing what the product does. You need to do a complete assessment of the product and ask an experienced technology advisor to make a recommendation to you.

  • People take differently to different languages. Many people rave about Python or Ruby but I hate them with a vengeance in fact I’d go as far to say I find the Rails community in particular arrogant and elitist as well.

    I found PHP the easiest to pick up and I use it to build all my MVPs.

    So yeah go to some tutorial sites, take a look at a few languages and pick your poison.

      • Thanks for the advice ,

        To answer the first question! We’re still figuring it out. We know that our customers want what we’re building , and as cliche as it sounds we’re diligently building it ourselves.

        I’m reading conceptual stuff in CS currently to help mitigate the challenge. Problem is we’re on a deadline and i just have to code the crap out to build our MVP. I’m however worried about scalability and how we’d be able to support our servers once we launch .

        And yeah! I kinda like Python. I’ll stick with it for now .

        Thnx guys!

        • Don’t worry about scaling the shit. Worry about getting the solution right. Its natural to worry about what happens if TechCrunch covers your startup and suddenly your servers melt down. Trust me the chances of that happening are very very small.

          The much higher probability is your first version will be plain flat out wrong in some aspect and you’ll need to change that. Its better you figure that out sooner rather than waste time making the code efficient and elegant – that’s what folks in the industry call “premature optimization”.

  • My opinion is that if you are a non-tech, you should be spending your time trying to find a technical co-founder or improving your non-tech skills, not learning a programming language. There’s no but!

    • I had learning to code as a to-do for a while because accelerator talks and experienced Devs i engaged with either recommended it or commented on my lack of technical knowledge as a risk.

      Then I tried out for a coding course scholarship and it was an awful experience, I’m just not wired that way and I have up trying to shoehorn myself in to something that doesn’t suit me.

      A couple of weeks later I pitched at my first Hackathon and the Dev I met there is building our first MVP, we’re very clear that he’s engineering and I’m biz dev who asks a lot of engineering questions.

  • Yes you should find a co-founder and if the project is at his start, which is what I’ve understood, you’ll have to propose half of the company if risks taked are the same.

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