How do you figure out what truly drives you as an entrepreneur?

I've really been trying hard to figure out what it is that drives me, but I don't think I've arrived at the right answer yet. I don't think it's money, because when I think about the future, money isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

The only thing I've been able to arrive at is that I'm driven by the recognition. Seems kinda shallow so I'm hoping that it's more than that.  

How have you figured this out for yourself?

    • Same here, thats why I lurk in forums. Since I haven’t been able to make a name for myself in business so far, I do it by commenting, even if its just being anonymous.

      • I’m the guy you’re responding to, and I’m sort of the same way. I tend to post comments anonymously, since I feel like when I make it big I don’t want anyone to judge me negatively by my comments even though I think I leave some pretty good comments. Still in the struggle stage. One day it will pay off. Good luck to you!

  • Recognition’s all well and good, not shallow to value it, but if your self esteem is tied to external validation from others you’re opening yourself up to an emotional rollercoaster ride guided by other people’s opinions.

  • For me its a mix:

    o Money

    o Accelerating change in the world

    o Build a structure I can be proud of

    o Provide for my family and friends

    o Spend the rest of my life in more luxury than I was brought up with

    o Give back and redistribute resources to those that need them most

  • The world sorely needs my product. I need the money. Those two reasons alone are enough, but I feel driven by the desire to show the naysayers how dead wrong they are.

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