How do I deal with a business partner whose incompetence will tank my company?

My small but well-known company was founded by my business partner. One year later, his best friend got in the contract as a “silent investor” after lending the business a small amount of money to complete a project. This guy has never worked for the company and his “loan” was actually paid off, but he was never removed from the contract as an investor. This was before I was in the company.

I joined the company 4 years ago as an employee and worked my way up to become a partner. Everything was going well until a few months ago when this “silent investor” got fired from his job in politics because of his horrible relationship with people and utter incompetence (basically no one wanted him around anymore and started pushing him out). The guy suddenly decides he’s coming to work in our company – he just showed up one day – and that he is dissatisfied with the way “his money was handled” (since he claims to be an investor). Before I could do anything about it, he put his claws in our financial department and is now officially our CFO.

The whole thing happened in a very political manner – he took advantage of the fact that my partner is his best friend and will not do anything to jeopardize their friendship. My business partner and I talk about this constantly and profoundly and I can see that he is trying to get us out of this predicament, but is not able to break the friendship barrier. I respect him 100% and do not want to push him into ending the longest and most important friendship in his life (which will inevitably happen if we force the guy out). I understand how hard it must be for him.

The thing is this guy is by far the most incompetent, lazy, egotistical and self-assured person I’ve ever worked with. He’s a perfectly pleasant and intelligent person to be friends with but I think he has issues when it comes to his professional life, because he is simply the worst coworker I have ever had to deal with. His antics don’t bother me nearly as much as his incompetence. There’s no other way to say it: the guy’s a moron and shouldn’t be allowed to work with anything that requires minimum responsibility.

Both me and my business partner have tried to talk to him about it multiple times, showing him the exact consequences of his incompetence (which includes taking us out of the loop and than making the wrong decisions on money matters; losing every single deadline; spending money that we don’t have; not resolving issues to a point where either me or my partner have to get involved and fix negotiations he lost – costing us a shitton of money; sending wrong documents; writing emails we have to apologize for in his behalf; treating our mostly horizontal and super competent team with hierarchy, condescention and sexism, among other problems). However, he simply won’t take any constructive feedback or criticism, and acts superior, as though he is saving us from ourselves. It’s that annoying thing where we know he will miss a deadline, so we ask about it ahead of time trying to help and he’ll get mad he was even asked about it, say everything is fine, not let us help, and then miss the deadline anyway.

Anyway, this guy is going to tank my company. In 5 years of existence we rode out huge debt and got back on our feet and everything was going the right way… until he walked in and it’s getting bad again – to the point we’re scared we won’t be able to pay our employees salaries next month. Since I cannot override my business partner’s decisions, my hands are tied regarding removing him from the company. What can I do to lessen his negative impact on us?

  • Sad that no one with experience answered this. I never experienced this situation but if I were in your shoes and that my company was about to sank, I would sit down with the CEO and tell him that the company is sinking and that it hurts you to see that. Assuming the you have already some vested equity after 5 years, I would let him know that you are thinking about leaving unless he takes back the CFO tasks. The incompetent friend can still be there but with no “power” so that he cannot hurt the company. If he doesn’t have power, he will get fed up and probably leave at some point.

    • Thank you for replying! I know it’s hard for anyone to read an anonymous post and have the answers, no one is in my shoes, of course. But sometimes you really need some perspective from other people who might have had this experience.

      Since writing this I figured that no one will save me from this – I need to be the one that does what I feel is right for my company. Spent a really worrisome week but started doing exactly what you suggested – am trying to find ways to remove his power. I do have equity, but not enough to outvote anyone, so I have to do this through day-to-day actions.

      I’ve decided to not avoid conflict and let him know every single time I’m dissatisfied and think he’s wrong (which is unfortunately multiple times a day); had everyone agree that financial strategies and major decisions can only be taken by partners and not independently (big win, but let’s see if he’ll follow through or just lie) and most of all am making sure that we have the tools and structure necessary to make everything more transparent and predictable, so that we protect ourselves by seeing problems ahead of time.

      It really helps to just talk about this, not only strategies but also motivation. Thanks for the reply!

      • Glad that you found your way! It’s a very old tactic but an effective one. You slowly remove power and give the person less and less interesting mandates. It’s a strong passive-aggressive message that you’re not welcome anymore. It’s not cool when it’s done to someone but in your specific case, the end justify the means 🙂

        As for the equity, it was not to outvote but to put pressure. It”s not good for a CEO when someone walks out with some sizable equity.

        Good luck with this!

        • Thank you! The worst part is that I don’t think he’s even interested in our business or this job specifically, I think he just got hurt that he used to have this high power position at his old job, working in politics, and that was removed from him. Now he’s trying to find power anywhere he can.

          We have always strivec to keep things as horizontal as possible in our company, and I think that in horizontal settings “power” comes with relevance. If your work is extremely relevant, people will trust you and look forward to your actions, thus giving you power in negotiations, decisions, strategies etc. I’ve been hoping that the opposite here will happen. His poor work is already making people try to bypass him and find different solutions that don’t have to go through him. It feels like the entire team is avoiding building a work relationship with him. I’m hoping he’ll become irrelevant because of his own lazy work and toxic relationships.

          • Just a word of caution. One of the major cause of insatisfaction from employees is when management didn’t take action to solve problematic situations. If employees see that as a problem and nothing is done by management to solve it, you may end up losing great employees.

  • I am suffering from the same problem however the person is one of the founding owners of the company. The other owner is married to the other. And is now faced dealing with it or watch the company go down the drain. We implemented some of the above measures and has slowed down the damage but It is not enough. Factors may be age or the sudden turn in the dynamic of the business that has brought on this moronic state of business decisions.

  • I am facing a similar situation. We are three partners that used to have clients each, share expenses but each of us would get profits of their own clients. This was working out for me and another partner but no for the incompetent one (obviously). After a big fall in business we decided to make some changes and treat the company as whole. Decided each partner should focus in one aspect of the business and as I had the best numbers I got to run the sales and business strategy.

    The incompetent one got a very important role though as COO and even though I ended like a kind of CEO his bullshit is damaging the company really badly.

    I am clueless and desperate tbh. I am considering to step away and start from scratch again but it does not feel right.

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