Creative burnout

I think I’m totally burnt out at 35.5 yrs of slogging for my business, shutting it down, losing a ton of money …  losing my father. I dont have a single brain cell that wants to lift up a pencil and create. How long is this going to last? It’s been 6 months since I closed up shop. All my inventory has taken over my room. How does one get over this and find inspiration again. My dad was such a huge support. And he’s no more. I’m not in dire straits financially … but the pressure to find a job is intense from the family. Any thoughts on how to get my mojo back?

  • Get a job. In 6 months you will be so desperate to run the show again you’ll find the motivation you need.

    • That actually sounds great and made me laugh too 🙂 Thanks so much ..I was not keen on a job but this gives it a new perspective..

      • It’s what I did, and after a couple of months I found myself attending meetups and pitching potential co-founders with new ideas. It’s amazing what a little break can do!

  • Wow. I was trying to imagine my clever advice but the advice already posted is pretty spot on. FWIW, I lost my mom 3 & 1/2 years ago and it still bums me out regularly. Cut yourself some slack in that area and realize you’re still pretty fresh from the loss of dad. But when you’re up for it, try to visualize the advice he would give you at this moment – probably something along the lines of picking yourself up and brushing yourself off. Just because he’s no longer with you doesn’t mean you should cease doing those things that would make him proud of you. Good luck! Make him proud!

  • You’re a real trooper. You are the best example to all of us of how hard this really is. Well done on your incredible efforts.

    I would +1 on the exercise, it helps and its an interesting ‘thinking time’ too. As well as ideas while driving and showering – exercise it next.

    So terribly sorry for the loss of your dad. Was there a passion of his, or a shared passion you both had together that you could pursue as a hobby… and then work out ways to make it simple and beneficial for other people to also enjoy it. It could turn into something amazing.

    Best of luck to you.

    • I love exercise.. totally gives me the daily dose of happiness. I suffer from depression. So it’s a tough ride! My dad and i did the usual stuff, dinner , movies etc. He was a single parent. We spent a lot of time together. I was very close to him.. I visit the restaurants we used to go to. I really enjoy that..Food was such a passion for him. Thanks for the thumbs up ! -OP

  • I am with you on this OP.

    I had a similar thing in 2010. I lost my business (half a million) and laid off the team in the August, in November I lost my son, the following July I lost my daughter and I nearly went personally bankrupt 18 months later.

    Once you have hit rock bottom there is simply only one way; up.

    It takes character and persistence to come back. In life nothing is ever permanent.

    As long as you can program your mind to focus on being positive you can come back from this stronger.

    The weirdest thing for me now is absolutely nothing phases me. Probably because everything I went through.

    Some people here mentioned exercise. This is spot on, I run most days and also practice being grateful. You should give it a go.

    I now run my business from home and put together all the building blocks and must say this is the best I have felt in years and looking forward to the future.

    I want you to feel the same and that you can come back also. It takes time but you will get there.

    Good luck with the future. Get out there and show the world what you are made of 😉

    • My condolences. You are such an inspiration. I’m onto the exercise.. walk about 5 km a day, journal, and meditate. It’s keeping me sane. I have a question. How long a break did you take before you started working from home. Did you get a job in between? Big thanks! -OP

      • I got my team jobs within four weeks of closing the company. I closed the business on the Friday and back working by the following Monday. When I lost my son I was back working within 5 days but from home for a couple of months. When I lost my daughter I was contracting at a different place and went back to work after three days. I needed to support my family. Both times mentally it was tough.

        After that I worked at another startup; that lets just say… not a place for people with morals(funny what you find out once you are inside a few months; made Wonga look like angels). I walked out of there March last year. Then went home and started work on developing the company and launched a month later. All in all around 2.5 years.

        Sometimes you have to take the long route to the right place.

        It was bumpy, as it was do or die but probably the best decision I have made in a longtime.

    • 30 minutes a day of meditation works wonders, too

      look into “anapana vipassana” meditation — meditation involving focusing on the breath

  • I don’t think you’re dealing with “creative burnout”. You’re depressed. Your life is unbalanced.

    Take care of your feelings and your self. Your creativity will follow.

  • By taking a job you will discover new business problems that may inspire you to create a new business. Think of a job as someone paying you to learn.

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