What can I do to keep the traction and fast pace I thrive on in getting my company launched?

I’m so close to launching I can taste it. All I need is to get my investors, myself, “team-members/partners”, and the manufaturers on a conference call , to work out the kinks, and should be good to go! I’ve supplied everyone with all the necessacary info nearly two weeks ago, limited response.

Just two weeks go, investors were calling me wanting in, partners were coming in left and right ( i’m working on a large scale manufacturing operation, where it is necessary to partner for supply lines of raw material). I talked with them, gave them financial projections, business model and was stupid enough to give up my foreign specialized equip manufacturer, all under NDA though (toilet paper?). But of course theres always another lawyer looking to work for me. Now, nothing, maybe they’re trying to fuck me over? But still, no one can ever meet my vison and manner of excution for this to happen the right way, which is why I will be a very sucessful CEO. I guess it’s only been 12days, for some and 5 for another, including 2 weekends but damn, Whats’s the holdup!? I feel like firing them all and getting some people who can actually move and get shit done. Also, I procured an apt/office based on credit, which i leveraged against some seed-funding, filed the invoice on the 14th of last month, its been 29 days, expected it on the 4th of this month. my rent is 12 days past due, credit was due 2days ago, and still haven’t received the check…fuck.

What can I do to light a fire inside these people and get them to show some damn initiative, get this conference call together, work out the kinks? From there we can obtain the factory space, while the equip is being built, manger our supply lines. Get the equip setup and go into production. Damn I hate holdups. I wish i could fire everyone and do it all myself

    • yeah probably they are. Secretly strategizing behind my back, then come approach me again when they realize my value and worth, and why they need me. Similar to dealing with silly young girls/immature women. This is why I always keep two steps ahead of the game, im becoming manic. Probably not the best time to say, your all fired (even though they don’t really work for me) clean house, drop the dead weight, build a new team- setback. Maybe I can just get one investor on board, give him 49% equity and make this damn thing happen.

        • I feel as though I have that. The thing also, I’m 27, these other chaps are well to their 50’s + and have successful manufacturing companies. This is my first, an I ave nor real substantial companies ve built and sold behind me. Other then industry experience from working with another company in the past.

          In the next two weeks, I can bring in some decent sized investment. Th equip is 6.3MM, but i think i can talk the manuf down to building it at cost for a royalty w/ lease option. bring the startup cost down to 1MM or so, should be achievable. Just wish people would tell me whats going on underneath. Is it supposed to be like this at the top? Or am I maybe wrong about something, or blind to something obvious?

  • You look like someone who is falling into paranoia because he has nothing else to do. Find something positive to do. Breathe, go out, think differently for a while. Avoid hugs and cuddles with paranoia.

    If you still think deeply someone will stab you in the back, collect unbiased and objective information, but don’t mull over paranoid thoughts.

    • Yes, you’re right, that is exactly what happened. I overworked myself to the point where I had nothing else to do, and into a self-inflicted frenzy. While everyone else needed to digest a bit. It turns out, two people who were partners, had a chat, one bought out the other so he can work with me and the other will be a consultant for us in innovation, it is very good for everyone. The other fellow, kind of is just by the wayside, doing his own thing, and will be a supplier for us. The other side contacts for my expanded production replied with amazing offers and invitation into a very large, new overlapping innovative market. Things are now progressing as to plan, just took a week or so. It seems they all just want to work with me and needed time to get set-up to do so, along with some very inspiring and positive remarks for me.

      For the future, I will heed your advice, to improve myself in manner of effectively handling these situations in a calm productive manner.

      Thank you all for your feedback. This is a very good site/place for entrepreneurs, as we can sometimes feel alone in the struggles, but there is a whole community of us who understand how it is and can work with each other.

      • I’m happy to read this. Now you will go on with product launch with a perfect attitude, and your full brain power. Thus you will be successful, for sure :o)

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