Anyone worked with Wasabi Ventures Academy?

Seems weirdly structured – as an incubator/accelerator and also a VC firm?  What are the partners like?  Does their staff actually do operational work with your startup to implement goals as their site says?  Curious to know if founders got tangible benefit/value add.  Seems odd that for an organization with 3-4 offices, I don’t hear about them and hard to find entrepreneurswho have worked with them…

  • I’ve had one of the Wasabi founders as a mentor for three years (so I guess I’m a portfolio company).

    Highly reputed partners, great advice, often times they will invest, but their model does not always include an investment.

    If you plan on working with them go in with expectations clear upfront, and all should be happy.

  • I looked into this too and it sounds like a sham. I read complaints against Kueglar of Wasabi Ventures and some company he ran. People complained about doing work for him and then not getting paid. He also changes the names of companies to make himself look legit. If you are being offered things for free it is a loud warning that something else is going on and it won’t be for Your benefit.

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