Anyone dealt with Middle Eastern Soverign Funds?

Was at an event and this guy from a Middle Eastern Soverign Fund seemed interested in investing. I felt a bit iffy since he didn’t seem to really understand the space, but from what I can tell he seems legitimately interested in the product. Has anyone received money from these guys and how did it go?

  • This question is useless without specify which ME sovereign fund in particular. Just like how American investors aren’t identical, Middle Eastern investors are also not a monolithic group.

  • We get these requests every few months. I was amazed with the tactics these guys used, so I started the conversation with one of them. They promise you a lot of stuff, as long as you give 10-14% yearly dividend in return. When I got to the point of asking detailed questions, he was slowly backing off.

    One advice: money usually doesn’t come to you, unless you’re past some serious funding rounds.

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