Invested $80K of my own money. 3 1/2 years later still working on the project. Can’t launch! I know I’m pushing it.

    • Yeah…same old dilemma. I’m a non-technical founder. Just recently found the right people to help on my project but not after spent ton of money on bad helps. Well…what can you do. Even though I found the right people, expecting more spending to complete the works. Getting really close though. Thanks god!

      The biggest ROI? I have learn a ton too!

  • I love your grit! Keep pushing and when you make it work come back and talk about your success here 🙂

    • Yes sir/madam. Thanks for the encouraging words! Definitely will come back some day. I’ll not give up for the next 3 and 1/2 years. Probably more.

  • Hey man. I am in your boat, but fortunately once you are that far down quitting simply isn’t an option any longer. Gotta keep on pushing through now…

    • Quitting is ALWAYS an option. After I spent 8 years and about 100K trying to get my startup some traction (yeah I’m a bozo), I finally quit. After I quit it became so clear to me why that idea never had a chance in hell and I should’ve quit much earlier.

      Sometimes persistence is the answer. Sometimes its the poison.

      • “Sometimes persistence is the answer. Sometimes its the poison.”

        Amen to that. Therein lies the rub.

  • I put in $180k and three years and recently walked away. I was totally burned out, and while the business model was still valid in my mind, I realized that I was now the road block. I stopped work immediately.

    My health is a wreck and my credit rating is bad enough that I have little chance of finding an apartment in SF, especially given that I have a dog. (OK, admittedly my credit sucked when I started too.) I have been staying at a friend’s place for a year and have well extended my stay. But I had no options.

    Walking away was the right thing for me. I’m not saying it is for you, but more than anything else, make sure to be compassionate with yourself.

  • Launch now with the version you have and do your first build-measure-learn phase. After that you’ll have more information what do next.

  • 3.5 years? why not create a mvp and get feedback and refine before dumping more cash on something nobody wants?

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